
In the U.S. registered drug from COVID-19



In the U.S. registered drug from COVID-19

In the United States, the US Food and Drug Administration has adopted the use of the in emergency cases of the Remdesivir pilot facility for treatment of COVID-19.

The FDA informs about this, reports "direct".

"Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has allowed the use of Remdesivir, which was previously applied for the treatment of Ebola patients, after studies showing that it reduces recovery time by an average of 31 percent, or about four days, in patients with Covid-19 disease," the report said.

It is noted that those who received Remdesivir were able to complete the treatment on average for 11 days, while other patients were treated for 15 days. It is believed that the remedy can also help to prevent fatal accidents, but this effect is still insufficiently studied by scientists.

The tool will now be able to prescribe patients with severe course of of coronared disease, for example, those with breathing problems, requiring MECHANICAL ventilation.

As a reminder, the Ministry of Health warns Ukrainian fraud that sell pseudo-cure for coronavirus infection.

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