
The court in Zaitseva's case will be in the format of video chat and without journalists



The court in Zaitseva's case will be in the format of video chat and without journalists

The consideration of cassation appeals of the lawyers of Olena Zayseva and Hennadii Dronov, convicted for a deadly road accident in Kharkiv, will be held on April 3 in the format of a videoconference with judges of the WSU and without MEDIA representatives. This decision servants Themis motivated by quarantine measures through the outbreak of the coronavirus epidemic in Ukraine.

Photo: Depo. Kharkov

Thus, the courtroom will allow only victims, attorneys, civil plaintiffs and defendants.

Recall, both drivers – perpetrators of the tragedy on Sumska Street in the center of Kharkov – received in the Kiev District Court for 10 years imprisonment, now they were used from a remand prison to colonies for serving a sentence. Kharkov Court of Appeals this sentence in force, however, the defender of the Dronov filed a cassation appeal against the verdict. And the representative of Zayseva appealed to the Supreme Court with a request to soften his pìdzahisnìj sentence or to close a criminal case altogether.

The trial should take place at 10:30 3 April, informs Depo. Kharkiv with reference to the press service of the Kiev District Court of Kharkiv.

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