
On the day of the time in the Bolshoh Kyeva s Diagognyam 400 pneumonia



On the day of the time in the Bolshoh Kyeva s Diagognyam 400 pneumonia

On the day of the time in the Bolshoh Kyeva s Diagognyam 400 pneumonia

Segodnya in Medychrezhdenyah capitals with Diagnozom pneumonia Lechatsya 400 bolnyh.

On the mèr of the Capitali vytaly Klitschko zaâvil evo Vremya online press conference, Otvechaya to Vopros, Poluchennye от MA.

"Three of the Nedelis back in all the Medchreszhdenyah capitals have been narrating Obyasatelnoe with all the Različnymi types of pneumatic. Today with Diagnyzom pneumonia Lechatsya 400 bolnyh. In Vseh Pashentov took the images for the PCG-Testov. The complete procedure of the Vremya in this process was passed over to the Bolan Polutora Tsysyach Patsientov. Start 300 to cover the big-eyed carp,-community Klitschko.

As Otmechayut Vrchi, not all sluchany pneumatic-it posledstviâ blinded from Koronavusa.

"No, if you are to Chuvstvute Nemoganie. If you have a temperature and you have a slovno-once you have the impression. The worst of all you are Ennochat Lechenie, tem mécher Ryskov The half-ozhneniya or infect people, Toryye series "-Podcherknul Klitschko.

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