
Nardeps require fines for the owners of the "epicenter" for violating the conditions of quarantine



Nardeps require fines for the owners of the "epicenter" for violating the conditions of quarantine

In Ukraine, the emergency regime has resulted in tough restrictions on trade. And it turns out that the law is not written for individual merchants. Network of shops of construction goods "epicentr" caught on comply with ban of the government. Civic activists raided network shops in the capital and regions and found dozens of violations.

https://www.facebook.com/stopcor.ua/videos/vb.1602446153357239/554213045301113/? type = 2 & Theater [/embedIn most Ukrainian cities it is allowed only to shop selling products and goods of the essentials. However, in the EPICENTR hypermarket network, this requirement is ignored and continued to sell building materials.Head of PR department "epicenter" Yulia Chudnovets assures: They told directors in all regions of Ukraine that they should trade only essentials, the rest of the goods can be ordered online.But, as the journalists of "Stopbark" saw with their own eyes, in fact building materials continue to let go right at the checkout. And the limits on the number of customers in the shops "epicenter" are not active. "Stopkor" recorded dozens of violations of the rules.As it became known, the Cabinet of Ministers helped to avoid the closure of the hypermarket network, although the MPs did not support this decision. The representative of the Voice faction Inna Sovsun noted that recently saw an advertisement, in which "epicenter" reports how much money is allocated to fight a coronavirus disease. But, according to the People's elect, it would be better if you just closed the shops where a bunch of people gather.

According to MPs, network owners should be fined

The deputy from the "Servants of the People" Evgeniy Bragar agrees with it.

"This is the unconscious position of the owner. I believe that it is necessary to issue a penalty for non-compliance of quarantine, "the parliamentarian emphasized.

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