
"Expensive and even painting",-Stepanov told, what costumes are wanted to buy GP "medical procurement"



"Expensive and even painting",-Stepanov told, what costumes are wanted to buy GP "medical procurement"

In the State enterprise "medical procurement", which the Ministry of Health instructed to purchase protective suits for physicians, offered the ministry to buy costumes painter. This was stated by the Minister of Health of Ukraine Maxim Stepanov during the briefing.

"They were not found costumes of biological protection that we needed. They found costumes for the painter, and we did not buy them, "– he said.

As a reported of "Stopkor" earlier, the procurement of protective suits for Ukrainian "eskulapìv" of the Ministry of Health was entrusted to SE "medical procurement". At the same time, the approximate price, which was calculated by the heads of the department, amounted to approximately 400 hryvnia per set.

However, the company seems to found the domestic manufacturer, which has agreed to provide a wholesale party costumes in half by times cheaper-at a price of 245 UAH per unit.

According to the deputy head of the MOH Svetlana Shatova, the State Enterprise for some reason did not submit a technical task for this tender. Thus, the Ministry could not adequately assess the quality of the goods and its compliance with the requirements for the implementation of anti-epidemic measures to counteract the spread COVID-19.

Subsequently it became known that protective clothing from the Ukrainian manufacturer did not have full insulation and was sewn from inappropriate fabric. Therefore, the tender was re-announced.

Protective suit Photo: Ukrayinska Pravda

Was defined and a new winner bidding, which offered disposable suits at a price of 488 UAH per unit. At this, as the publication "Ukrayinska Pravda", the charitable foundations buy protective clothing according to the same standard EN 14126:2003, which requires the MOH, at the double price of 215 UAH.

After that, the Ministry of Health initiated an investigation of the state enterprise "medical procurement".

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The State Enterprise "medical procurement of Ukraine" is a centralized agency specializing in the procurement of medicinal products and medical products. The State enterprise is not a structural subdivision of the Ministry of Health, but the Ministry is the authorized body, whose sphere belongs to the agency. As a recipient of state-budget funds the DP receives financing from the Chief Commissioner of the Mozu and must perform the functions defined by it.

Since April 2019, DP is headed by Arsen Žumadìlov. He was appointed under the ministerial cadence of Ulyana Suprun and retained the portfolio at Zorskuletska and Ilya Yemka — even though the conflict had been the last.

Arsen Žumadìlov Photos: Interfax

To refrain in the role of Jusmabusiness and after coming to the Ministry of Health Maxim Stepanov. And all this is all the more surprising that Arsen Kuatovych has no medical education or any prior experience in the field of health care.

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