
Ternopil vs -19: Who is who?



Ternopil vs -19: Who is who?

Ternopil Region ― in third place in the country by the number of patients with coronavirus infection. As of today, in the field of 106 cases the laboratory is confirmed. But there are still those who are infected and do not identified. Therefore, the number of people with a virus in the region may be different.

Illustration: Stomkor

Why are there comparatively many patients in the Ternopil region? Firstly, Ternopil is located close to the border. Local people are forced to go to work, because with the work in the region is bad. Countries ― Poland, because it is very close, Italy and Spain, because they pay well. But the new coronavirus does not cause the financial needs of people. Through him, the Ukrainians return home quickly. Of course, we love them and wait for them, but do they like us? Among those who are returning, many irresponsible. They ignore self-isolation, communicate immediately with family and friends, celebrate their visit, thus exposing their families to danger. In addition, the local authorities lack data from the State Border guard service of all the workers who returned en masse in the region.

Photo: Stopkor

1:0 ― -19 wins the CD.

Secondly, the Ternopil region is the only one in Ukraine where there is no its infectious hospital! That many Ternopil became the news. Because it is necessary to appeal to such hospitals infrequently and not to everyone. There are only infectious branches at hospitals. But they are no longer news, but the standard for Ukraine is not enough protection for physicians, tests, artificial lungs ventilation apparatuses. According to Ternopil staff of the struggle against coronavirus infection, in hospitals in Ternopil there are only 24 such devices. The result — mass infection of physicians.

2:0 ― lose.

Thirdly, there are completely carefree people whom quarantine — like vacations. Barbecuing on weekends, walking outdoors, nightly youth hangouts at the gas station is a normal occurrence for the area. The police are not particularly in control.

Photo: Stopkor

3:0 ― COVID-19 breaks forward.

Fourth, the Ternopil region distinguishes religiosity from other regions. No matter what trouble the country has happened ― Ternopil people will go to pray to the church. They say, if you pray, God will take away from you a virus. A striking example: the priest from the monastery district was badly during the service, he found a virus. And in the week he, according to police, contacted approximately 500 parishioners. And today it is in Monarrysky District ― The largest number of patients. Now services in the temples banned at the official level.

Photo: Stopkor

3:1 ― We try to equalize the account.

And then the game come caring Ternopil. Not only the businessmen or local authorities, but the ordinary residents were organized, created a group on the social network and started collecting money and providing all necessary local hospitals. And while they have it perfectly goes.

3:2 ― Follow the fight...

Photo: Stopkor

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