The investigation as of the facts of illegally received from the state budget cash compensation payments in the amount of UAH 928 thousand for renting a room in the “Kyiv” Hotel by the Member of Parliament (MP) of the VIII convocation was completed. On September 8, 2020, suspect and the defense had been granted with access to criminal proceeding for review. The actions of an official are qualified under Part 2 Article 364 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (“Abuse of office”).
The investigation revealed that during November 2014 - August 2019, the suspect received UAH 928 thousand cash payments for rental a room in the “Kyiv” Hotel. At the same time, he had an apartment in the center of Kyiv. The investigation revealed that in this way the MP caused severe damages to the Office of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.
The NABU Detectives started a pre-trial investigation as of those facts in October 2018. On May 14, 2020, the MP was given a notice of suspicion.
For reference: Due to the NABU investigations over UAH 1.55 million of the compensation payments illegally received by three Members of Parliament was returned to the State.
According to Part 1 Article 62 of the Constitution of Ukraine a person is considered not-guilty in commission of a crime and cannot be a subject to criminal punishment, until he or she is found guilty by the court.