
Case as of the facts of offering of a bribe to the State Reserve Agency Head was sent to court



Case as of the facts of offering of a bribe to the State Reserve Agency Head was sent to court

NABU and SAPO completed a pre-trial investigation as of the facts of giving USD 40 thousand of improper advantage to the Head of the State Reserve Agency of Ukraine (SRAU) by the Head of one of the Departments of the SRAU and his accomplice. On November 27, 2020, the indictment as of abovementioned persons was sent to the court.

The actions of the Head of one of the Departments of the SRAU are qualified under Part 3 Article 27, Part 4 Article 368, Part 4 Article 27, Part 4 Article 369 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The actions of his accomplice are qualified under Part 5 Article 27, Part 4 Article 368 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

The investigation revealed that the Head of the Department of SRAU incited the Heads of companies under the management of SRAU to give bribes to the SRAU Head. In exchange, he promised them the retention of positions and assistance from the SRAU executives in their further activities.

Realizing that this plan could be organized only with the participation of the SRAU Head, the suspect tried to persuade him to receive funds from the Heads of the mentioned enterprises. After receiving the "offer", the SRAU Head informed the law enforcement agencies to start an investigation.

The law enforcement officers have recorded several facts of the receipt an improper advantage from entrepreneurs by the suspect for allegedly further transfer to the SRAU Head. In general, it is an improper advantage in the amount of USD 70 thousand.

Moreover, the suspect kept 20% of this amount as a fee for the “service” and planned to transfer the rest to the SRAU Head. The SRAU Head did not accept the offer and informed the law agencies about crime, gave the investigation the money offered to him and facilitated the detection of the crime.

NABU, the SSU and SAPO started a pre-trial investigation as of these facts in December 2019.

In January 2020, the Head of one of the Departments of the SRAU was exposed on the transferring of one of these tranches. NABU gave a notice of suspicion to the detainee.

In September 2020, NABU and SAPO completed a pre-trial investigation as of the abovementioned facts.

According to Article 62 of the Constitution of Ukraine a person is considered not-guilty in commission of crime and cannot be a subject to criminal punishment, until he or she is found guilty by the court.

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