![China does not give consent to investigate the occurrence of coronavirus](https://i.stopcor.org/news/2020/5/1/korona3.jpg?size=2010x1130)
The Chinese side has not yet consented to the accession of the World Health Organization to the investigation regarding the emergence of coronavirus COVID-19. This was stated by the WHO spokesman in CHINA, Goden Gali
"We know that the national investigation is already underway, but at this stage we were not invited to participate," said Gali. And added that WHO continues to make inquiries on the investigation into the health structure and the authorities of China.
Gali believes that no reason to deny WHO to participate in the investigation is not, because WHO is not doubts in the natural origin of the virus, says SkyNews.
The new Coronavir strain was first discovered in China in late December 2019.
Since then, the country has diagnosed almost 84 thousand cases of contamination. Now in China, almost do not fix new cases.
Now the number of infected coronarusom in the world exceeded 3.2 million. More than 228 thousand patients died of complications caused by infection. At least 1 million people were recovered.
In the U.S. coronavirus was diagnosed in more than a million people. Almost 63 thousand cases were lethal