
City Council committee demands from the head of Zhytomyr Regional State Administration refute Fakky about Kornavus



City Council committee demands from the head of Zhytomyr Regional State Administration refute Fakky about Kornavus

Members of the Executive committee of the Korosten City Council appealed against the open letter to the head of the Zhytomyr RSA with the requirement to refute information about suspicion of coronavirus infection at the hospital patient.

This is stated in a letter on the website of the city Council of Korosten.

According to the resource "Olevsk. Online", head of Zhytomyr Regional State Administration Bunechka v. I. MPs sent a letter with a request to publicly refute information that a man with a suspicion of a coronavirus at the Korosten hospital is a person. This was said during a briefing by the first deputy head of the Zhytomyr regional State Administration Volodymyr Fedorenko on March 31, 2020.

"Today, a patient with a temperature and signs of SARS have been delivered to the hospital hospital in the emergency medical care team. According to Epìdanamnezu, there is no reason to consider the case "suspicious for coronavirus infection". The patient was examined by a doctor, he conducted a radiologic examination, made a quick test for influenza A, in. Invoiced diagnosis of SARS, the light course, is prescribed outpatient treatment under the supervision of a family doctor. Information about hospitalization of patient with a diagnosis of "suspicion of coronavirus" is unreliable! Be healthy! "says the words.

Recall that in 12:00 1 April 669 cases of coronavirus infection have been officially registered in Ukraine. In the last 24 hours discovered 120 new cases.

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